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What is the deadline for ordering meals?

The deadline for ordering meals is midnight on Sunday, two full weeks (14 days) prior to the complete week before the meal is served. This deadline is dictated to Chartwells by both their suppliers and by the supply chain to ensure delivery to our Dorset Schools.

What are the cut-off dates for the new menu?

Meal ordering cut-off dates April '25 to October '25 

What are the menu rotation weeks from April 2025?

Menu rotation weeks 21st April to 20th October 2025

How do I order my choice of meals?

The choice of meal is made at point of ordering. You can choose either a Standard MealVegetarian Meal or Alternative Choice each day.

Do Chartwells supply a packed lunch when my child is on a school trip?

We can supply a packed lunch for all off site visits and trips, details of what this includes can be found on the website under the heading ‘FOOD’.

Schools will automatically request a transfer of any booked hot meals to Away Day Packed Lunches, please check with your school if you are unsure if your booking has been transferred.

What should I do if I need to cancel a meal after the online cut off point?

Sickness - You will need to call the Chartwells Customer Support Line on 07818 944478 before 9am every day of the child’s sickness. A credit is given from the second day onwards.

School trips and other cancellations – You will need to call the Chartwells Customer Care Line in order for the meal to be cancelled and a credit given. We require 48 hours’ notice before 9am prior to the event.

How far in advance can I order meals?

You can order meals as far in advance as you would like. For example you can order on a week by week basis, monthly basis or for a whole term in one go. The menu changes twice yearly, October half term and Easter. The online system will also allow you to book meals in advance of the current menu however you will not be able to see the meal options until the new menu has been approved and loaded online.

Do Chartwells cater for children with special dietary requirements?

Medical Diets are catered for by Chartwells. We are only able to offer a medical diet menu for children with allergies or intolerances to one or more of the 14 EU allergens.

If your child has an allergen or intolerance to any of the 14 EU allergens then a medical diet menu can be supplied, provided requests for these are supported by a medical report such as a letter from your GP or hospital dietician. Requests for medical diets should be made direct to Chartwells at with a supporting letter. Upon request we will happily share our Medical Diet Policy with you.

Religious diets will be catered for by the vegetarian option.

How do I contact The Chartwells Team?

The Customer Support Line can be reached on 07818 944478 or by email at:

09:00 – 15:00 Monday to Friday Answerphone available – any messages left after office hours will be answered on the next working day.

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